The Art of Storytelling and Emotional Branding: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Dove® Campaign for Real Beauty

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The Art of Storytelling and Emotional Branding: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Dove® Campaign for Real Beauty
Parra, Dawn
Publication Date:


Taking the approach of widening the definition of beauty, Dove’s® Campaign for Real Beauty was created to provoke discussion and encourage debate. By engaging in a rhetorical analysis of specific elements of Dove’s® campaign, the utilization of storytelling and emotional branding is explored. The ideology behind the significance of the use of storytelling and emotional branding in advertising is the reasoning to analyze and illuminate Dove’s® Campaign for Real Beauty. This study examines the Dove® Campaign for Real Beauty, as a means to explore the role that storytelling and emotional branding can play in advertising, in developing a deeper bond and building loyalty with an audience. The appeal of the campaign works to create a deep brand loyalty. Contemporary conceptions of beauty are extremely limited, and Dove® utilized this campaign as an attempt to counter such limited ideologies. Dove’s® goal was to petition for what should be considered “real” beauty in women, as opposed to society’s flawed view of what beauty is. And despite some controversial dispute, consensus shows that the campaign was successful in doing so. ( en )

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Source Institution:
Queens University of Charlotte
Holding Location:
Queens University of Charlotte
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All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

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