Lean on Me: Building and maintaining successful coach-athlete relationships

Material Information

Lean on Me: Building and maintaining successful coach-athlete relationships
Duchampt, Felix
Knight School of Communication
Publication Date:


This study explores the process of building and maintaining a successful and personally fulfilling coach-athlete relationship through an autoethnographic study of one specific instance of this relationship. Previously, many researchers have focused on the coach/athlete relationship to understand what traits are necessary to be a good coach. However, instead of focusing on one side of the relationship, this research aims to describe not only how a coach coaches well, but also how an athlete enacts coachability from a communication standpoint. The study features a autoethnography co-constructed by a runner at Queens University of Charlotte in NCAA Division 2, and his coach, a female of 30 years old, who have had some of their best achievements as soon as they started to work together. They discovered that many interpersonal qualities that can be found in other relationships, such as trust, respect, social support, rule-setting, cooperation, self-disclosure, confidentiality, fairness, agreeability, cheerfulness, control, conscientiousness, honestly, responsibility or leadership, require mutuality, and thus have to be displayed by the athlete and the coach to make the relationship successful ( en )

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Source Institution:
Queens University of Charlotte
Holding Location:
Queens University of Charlotte
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All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

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