Broken Promise: The Skinny on Special K’s Fight Against Fat Talk

Material Information

Broken Promise: The Skinny on Special K’s Fight Against Fat Talk
Brown, E. Courtney
Knight School of Communication
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
fat talk
Rhetorical Analysis
Special K
critical textual analysis
Thesis ( sobekcm )


In late 2013, Kellogg’s Special K launched Fight Fat Talk, a campaign that encourages women to stop saying negative things about their bodies and focus on a more positive weight management conversation. This study explores the reasons why Special K, a diet cereal designed to assist women with weight loss, urges women toward positivity, when it seems that a prevalence of negative body image would ultimately sell more cereal. I seek to answer the following question: What does Special K’s campaign say about women and body image? In this study, I explore rationality and the construction of reality in terms of stories. I suggest that Special K consumers (women) hear different stories that drive them to make decisions, and that in this case, the dominant story that drives women is the story of body dissatisfaction, rather than the story about positivity that is offered by Special K. The study concludes with a brief ethical perspective on the Fight Fat Talk campaign: does Special K represent a positive shift in advertising for women? ( en )

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Source Institution:
Queens University of Charlotte
Holding Location:
Queens University of Charlotte
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All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

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