The Gendered CEO: A Media Analysis of Marissa Mayer

Material Information

The Gendered CEO: A Media Analysis of Marissa Mayer
King, Lelia H.
Knight School of Communication
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Textual Analysis
media portrayal
Thesis ( sobekcm )


When Marissa Mayer became the CEO of global Internet corporation Yahoo in July 2012, popular press portrayed her as a successful young executive who was also pregnant with her first child. Several subsequent major media episodes, including coverage of Mayer’s maternity leave, the decision to revoke Yahoo’s work-from-home policy, and a photo shoot in Vogue, revealed the use of gendered language and a “motherhood” lens to describe Mayer, rather than focusing on her abilities as a leader, or her background in the industry. Would similar language be applied if Mayer had been male, single, or child-less? How might the use of gendered language, over time, impact public opinion about Mayer’s decisions? Though news media reporters and editors are stretched to do more with less, the media still play a powerful role in influencing public opinion, culture, and an understanding of the world. During a time when large American companies are naming more female CEOs, it is important and interesting to note whether the news media coverage about these female leaders is framed through a lens of hegemonic ideologies. Through a textual analysis of traditional and digital media framing of Mayer, this study will seek to explore and analyze the potential implications of media coverage of female CEOs. ( en )

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Queens University of Charlotte
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Queens University of Charlotte
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