How Does Community Radio Promote Engagement and Active Participation in a Community: A Study of CHIRP Radio

Material Information

How Does Community Radio Promote Engagement and Active Participation in a Community: A Study of CHIRP Radio
Fogg, Stephen M.
Knight School of Communication
Publication Date:


This research thesis measured the levels of content CHIRP Radio, an independent online radio station located in Chicago, IL dedicates to community engagement and active participation in disc jockey discussion of artist, business, and event mentions. This research thesis also examines the geographical location of artists played on CHIRP Radio. These data sets conclude that CHIRP Radio used business and event discussion to promote high levels of community engagement and active participation by using high quality, low frequency messages. In contract, CHIRP Radio used low quality, high frequency artist mentions, this produced minimal levels of community engagement and active participation in DJ discussion of artists. The majority (84%) of artists played on CHIRP Radio are not local to the Chicago area, this study also determined that 56% of CHIRP listeners are outside of the Chicago metropolitan area (Chicagoland). Together, these findings suggest that CHIRP Radio uses a global musical playlist to recruit listeners from around the world while promoting a positive image of Chicago’s business and events to their audience to enhance community pride on a local level. Since CHIRP radio operates on global and local levels, each reinforcing the other in terms of engagement and participation this research concludes that CHIRP Radio is a hyper-glocal radio station. ( en )

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Source Institution:
Queens University of Charlotte
Holding Location:
Queens University of Charlotte
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All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

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