No. Title Date
1 Physics Laboratory, Queens College
2 Rigorous Science, Atkins Science Building, Queens College
3 The Microscope, Queens College
4 Summer Marine Biology Program, Pawley's Island -1963
5 The Marine Laboratory, Pawley's Island, Queens College Summer Marine Biology Program
6 EstuaryTour, Summer Marine Biology Program -1963
7 The Breaker Zone, Summer Marine Biology Program -1963
8 It's in the Herring family, Pawley's Island, Queens College Summer Marine Biology Program
9 Foraging for clams, Summer Marine Biology Program- 1963
10 Refraction
11 Students dissect a Fetal Pig in Biology Lab, Queens College
12 Laboratory Blunder, Queens College
13 Education Laboratory, 1969
14 A Queens student studies her surroundings in Myers Park
15 Professor of Art Anne Gebhardt chats with a student, Queens College
16 Radioactive, senior Nancy Cope, Queens College
17 Queens Hall (formerly Burwell Hall) Library, 1949-1950
18 The Molecular Model, Queens College
19 Musical Composition, Queens College
20 Library devotees, Queens College